Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Charisma Article on Mike Bickle and IHOP-KC

     One of the keys to releasing and expressing the Realities of the Lord's Kingdom in the earth is "simply" abiding in Him. Posturing our heart before the bonfire of His Mercy, Grace, and Love and letting His Holy Fiery Presence be what carries us throughout the day. It's from the place of knowing Who and Whose we are in Christ, and all that is available if we would just give ourselves to the diligent and earnest pursuit of Him in our secret place engaging with Him in prayer that we would know and experience all that He has destined for us to fulfill. We shouldn't want to just walk in measure, but to walk in fullness. Standing before Him on that final Day without regret. What did I do with my time? Was I lazy and passive? Did I with hold from speaking up for the oppressed when I should've even unto the death?
     I've learned that the more we have the fear of the Lord, the less we have the fear of man. He is our Father, we need to really KNOW Him, if we want to know all that He has given unto us. We NEED to encounter Him.  The reality is that we are His Kids and we stand as children of the Living Loving God, before the Throne of the Lord of Hosts, and from this place of beholding and becoming, and in this world we extend His Grace and Compassion to others that are in need.
     Mike shares a little about this as oneof the many great qualities of the heart of this Father of Faith.
You can read the Charisma article here:

Charisma Article on Mike Bickle and IHOP-KC